Y Combinator
Platform Engineering with Cory O’Daniel

Platform engineering is difficult to get right, and in the age of DevOps and cloud computing, software developers increasingly serve as platform engineers while they’re building
Okay Engineering with Tomas Barreto

Studies show that people in “maker” professions such as developers and writers are most productive when they can carve out dedicated time for focused work, without the frequent
Indie Hack or Venture Back with Lynne Tye

Key Values is a platform where companies are profiled with descriptions of their company values. These profiles describe features such as work-life balance, company culture, daily
Soylent Engineering with John Coogan

“We saw a really great opportunity to build a food company that takes technology seriously from the ground up, and have that be our competitive advantage as we grow and
Hiring Engineers with Ammon Bartram

“Humans are the most complicated thing out there – judging human skill is extremely hard, there’s all kinds of ways that people can be good.” Triplebyte is a technical hiring