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Uber’s Ringpop with Jeff Wolski

Uber has a software architecture with unique requirements. Uber does not have the firehose of user engagement data that Twitter or Facebook has, but each transaction on Uber is both high

Scaling github with Sam Lambert

github has grown to have 10 million users and 30 million repositories. Getting to this scale has required innovation in many places–github has significantly altered the code for

Scalable Architecture with Lee Atchison

Lee Atchison spent seven years at Amazon working in retail, software distribution, and Amazon Web Services. He then moved to New Relic, where he has spent four years scaling the

Distributed NoSQL Databases with Jon Meredith

“The world is increasingly disconnected, if you think about dealing with things like mobile devices that flap in and out of connectedness.” Continue reading…

MongoDB with Bryan Reinero

MongoDB is a cross-platform document-oriented database. Bryan Reinero is a developer advocate at MongoDB. Questions include: How are isomorphic JavaScript applications using NoSQL? What