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Building vs. Buying Software with Ayan Barua

“Even if you’re building, you’re building on top of existing open source architecture. You’re not really starting from scratch – all of us are standing on the shoulders of
siftery ayan barua

npm with Laurie Voss

“Node doesn’t have dependency hell – JavaScript absolutely does.” Node.js powers an increasing number of applications in the modern web. As node’s popularity grew, npm evolved

Engineering Cloud Services with Sam Kottler

“A lot of our customers are kind of AWS refugees who really don’t want all the stuff amazon has, and they just want a really easy to use system that is reliable.” Continue
engineering cloud services at digital ocean

Developer Tea with Jonathan Cutrell

“Our field moves so quickly that learning is kind of a fundamental skill – not every field is that way.” Continue reading…
developer tea

Building a Marketplace for Engineers with Breanden Beneschott

“It’s like trying to give any sort of standardized test to people who are essentially hackers – these things get hacked. People are much more complex than an automated algorithm