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The Fluent Conference with Peter Cooper and Simon St. Laurent

“Its very easy to run an event where you have people literally teaching you what you could learn from a book or a video or whatever. What we need to provide is an experience, so that

Developer Tea with Jonathan Cutrell

“Our field moves so quickly that learning is kind of a fundamental skill – not every field is that way.” Continue reading…
developer tea

Teaching Inmates to Code with Wes Bailey

“This is a group of people who largely have been told their entire life that they’re failures - we’re going in and we’re saying ‘Hey this is just about the most complex thing

Digital Transformation of Government with Sarah Allen

“When we say a ‘21st century government’, what we're seeing is that people are using their smartphones, they’re online, and we have the potential to actually deliver better

Data Science with Srini Kadamati

“I really think that data science is like design in the sense that it’s a way of thinking.” Continue reading…