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DevOps: Fundamental Answers

What is DevOps? DevOps was an unclear term at the beginning of the week. Depending on who you ask, DevOps is: the agile manifesto applied to sysadmin the applied version of The Lean

Docker and Microservices with James Turnbull

Microservices on container architecture lead to effective workflows associated with DevOps. Docker containers wrap up a piece of software in a complete filesystem that contains

Containers with Bryan Cantrill from Joyent

Container infrastructure has benefits of security, scalability and efficiency. Containers are a central component of the DevOps movement. Joyent provides simple, secure deployment of

Apache ZooKeeper with Flavio Junqueira

Apache ZooKeeper enables highly reliable distributed coordination. Flavio Junqueira is a committer and PMC of Apache ZooKeeper, and former VP of ZooKeeper. Questions include: Why is

Hadoop Ops: Rocana CTO Eric Sammer Interview

Rocana applies big data, advanced analytics, and visualizations to dev ops in order to guide users to the root causes of problems. Eric Sammer is the co-founder and CTO of Rocana. At