Developer Productivity with Utsav Shah

By most accounts, demand for software engineers exceeds supply. Not just anyone can develop this skill set to the level required to deliver enterprise-grade production code. For
LayerCI with Colin Chartier

Continuous integration is a coding practice where engineers deliver incremental and frequent code changes to create higher quality software and collaborate more. Teams attempting to
Heroku CI/CD

Heroku Flow You’ve written great code for an application- now what? Depending on the size and structure of your organization, testing, branching, and deployment may be handled in
Liquid Software with Baruch Sadogursky

The software release process is a barrier between written code and a live production environment that affects users. A software release process can involve a variety of different
JAM Stack with Phil Hawksworth

Engineers can build applications faster by using tools that abstract away infrastructure. Major cloud providers offer this tooling in the form of functions-as-a-service, as well as