Amazon Web Services

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Run Less Software with Rich Archbold

There is a quote from Jeff Bezos: “70% of the work of building a business today is undifferentiated heavy lifting. Only 30% is creative work. Things will be more exciting when those

Training the Machines with Russell Smith

Automation is changing the labor market. To automate a task, someone needs to put in the work to describe the task correctly to a computer. For some tasks, the reward for automating a

Serverless Event-Driven Architecture with Danilo Poccia

In an event driven application, each component of application logic emits events, which other parts of the application respond to. We have examined this pattern in previous shows that

Meetup Architecture with Yvette Pasqua

Meetup is an online service that allows people to gather into groups and meet in person. Since 2002, the company has been growing and its technology stack has been changing. Today, they

AWS Open Guide with Joshua Levy

Amazon Web Services changed the economics of building an internet application. Instead of having to invest tens of thousands of dollars up front for hardware, developers can pay for