Paweł Borkowski

TypeScript ESLint with Josh Goldberg
TypeScript is a superset of JavaScript that adds static typing with optional type annotations. It was created at Microsoft and first released in 2012. TypeScript

Fast Frontend Development with David Hsu
Retool is a platform to help engineers quickly build internal frontends. It does this by abstracting away repetitive aspects of frontend development. The platform was

Modern Web Scraping with Erez Naveh
Today it’s estimated there are over 1 billion websites on the internet. Much of this content is optimized to be viewed by human eyes, not

The Latest on RedwoodJS with Tom Preston-Werner
Tom Preston-Werner is a renowned software developer, inventor and entrepreneur. He co-founded GitHub and is the creator of the avatar service Gravatar, the TOML configuration

Expanding B2B Payments with Sohil Pandya
The Buy Now, Pay Later model, or BNPL, is traditionally a business-to-consumer model that is gaining traction in the business-to-business domain. Adoption of BNPL in

SDKs for your API with Sagar Batchu
APIs are ubiquitous and critical to building modern software, and developers must frequently develop custom APIs to streamline user access to their services. However, making

Shipping Features with Ben Rometsch
Feature flags also known as feature toggles, release toggles or feature flippers are a way to enable or disable a particular feature from your app

Modern Robotics Platform with Eliot Horowitz
Programming robotics software has traditionally been a specialized field. The software industry has seen rapid progress, the operating system that provides the foundation for our