Rust Networking with Carl Lerche

Rust is a systems programming language with a distinct set of features for safety and concurrency. In previous shows about Rust, we explored how Rust can prevent crashes and eliminate data races through its approach to type safety and memory management.

Rust’s focus on efficiency and safety makes it a promising language for networking code. Tokio is a set of networking libraries built on Rust. Tokio enables developers to write asynchronous IO operations by way of its multithreaded scheduler. Tokio’s goal is to make production-ready clients and servers easy to create by focusing on small, reusable components.

Carl Lerche is an engineer at Buoyant, a company that makes the popular Linkerd and Conduit service mesh systems. Kubernetes developers deploy service mesh to their distributed applications as sidecar proxies. These proxies need to be low-latency and highly reliable. In that light, it makes sense that Conduit (the more recent service mesh from Buoyant) is built using Rust. Carl joins the show to describe why Rust is useful for building networked services.


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