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Uber’s Data Platform with Zhenxiao Luo Holiday Repeat

Originally published May 24, 2018 When a user takes a ride on Uber, the app on the user’s phone is communicating with Uber’s backend infrastructure, which is writing to a database

Facebook Products with Peter Deng

Peter Deng has worked on most of Facebook’s major products: Newsfeed, Instagram, Oculus, and Messenger. These different products have different requirements, but are all part of the

Facebook Scaling with Pedram Keyani

Facebook is a large multiuser application. Scaling Facebook was different than scaling a single-user application such as an ecommerce store or a search engine. A social network is faced

Time Series Databases with Rob Skillington

A time series database is optimized for the storage of high volumes of sequential data across time. Time series databases are often organized as columnar data stores that can write large

Jaeger: Distributed Tracing at Uber with Yuri Shkuro

During 2015, Uber was going through rapid scalability. The internal engineering systems were constantly tested by the growing user base. Over the next two years, the number of internal