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Keybase with Max Krohn

Public key encryption allows for encrypted, private messages. A message sent from Bob to Alice gets encrypted using Alice’s public key. Public key encryption also allows for signed

Internet Monitoring with Matt Kraning

How would you build a system for indexing and monitoring the entire Internet? Start by breaking the Internet up into IP address ranges. Give each of those address ranges to servers

Static Analysis with Paul Anderson

Static analysis is the process of evaluating code for errors, memory leaks, and security vulnerabilities. The “static” part refers to the fact that the code is not running. This

Attack Attribution with John Davis

When a cyber attack occurs, how do we identify who committed it? There is no straightforward answer to that question. Even if we know Chinese hackers have infiltrated our power grid with

Car and IoT Security with Chris Craig

Ransomware and DDoS attacks happen all the time. Sometimes they affect large swaths of users. WannaCry ransomware froze the computer systems in hospitals. Mirai botnet DDoS attacks took