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Jailbreaking Apple Watch with Max Bazaliy

Apple operating systems are closed source. This closed source nature gives Apple an extremely successful business model–and a very different software developer ecosystem than

Hacking Your Short-Term Rental with Jeremy Galloway

If you have ever stayed in a short-term rental (like an Airbnb, HomeAway, or CouchSurfing), you have probably used the wifi network at that rental property. Why wouldn’t you? It’s no

Google BeyondCorp with Max Saltonstall

Employees often find themselves needing to do work outside of the office. Depending on the sensitivity of your task, accessing internal systems from a remote location may or may not be

Modern War with Peter Warren Singer

Military force is powered by software. The drones that are used to kill suspected terrorists can identify those terrorists using the same computer vision tools that are used to identify

Secure Authentication with Praneet Sharma

When I log into my bank account from my laptop, I first enter my banking password. Then the bank sends a text message to my phone with a unique code, and I enter that code into my