Shoreline: Pod Debugging and Management Automation

Kubernetes has dominated the cloud application development landscape. First developed in 2015, Kubernetes won the container orchestration wars against rivals such as Mesosphere and
Argo: Kubernetes-Native Tools with Alex Collins

Kubernetes is an open source container orchestration service released by Google in 2014. It has quickly grown into a platform with a huge community of enthusiasts and professionals.
Okteto: Cloud-Native Applications on Kubernetes with Ramiro Berreleza

Kubernetes is an open-source container orchestration system. It makes managing container clusters possible as well as deploying code changes to these containers. Microservice
CockroachDB: Distributed Databases and Containerization with Spencer Kimball

In 2003, Google developed a robust cluster management system called Borg. This enabled them to manage clusters with tens of thousands of machines, moving them away from virtual machines
Portainer: Container Management with Neil Cresswell

Running applications in containerized environments involves regularly organizing, adding and replacing containers. This complex job may involve managing clusters of containers in