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Azul with John Ceccarelli

The Java Virtual Machine is an abstract machine that makes it possible for you to write Java code once and run it across multiple devices and operating system types. While you can use

Redpanda: Kafka Alternative with Alexander Gallego

Kafka has achieved widespread popularity as a popular distributed queue and event streaming platform, with enterprise adoption and a billion dollar company (Confluent) built around it.

Heroku’s Streaming Data Connectors and Best Practices

Heroku has three managed data service offerings: Heroku Postgres, Heroku Redis, and Apache Kafka on Heroku. According to this article from Heroku, more developers are choosing upfront to

kSQLDB: Kafka Streaming Interface with Michael Drogalis

Kafka is a distributed stream processing system that is commonly used for storing large volumes of append-only event data. Kafka has been open source for almost a decade, and as the

LinkedIn Kafka

This article is part 2 in a series about LinkedIn’s data journey. You can read the first part of LinkedIn’s data infrastructure here.  It requires repeating that LinkedIn is a