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Data Science at Pivotal with Sarah Aerni

Data science is saving and improving lives by leveraging sensor data and machine learning. Pivotal makes software platforms and database products to enable enterprises to make use of

Databases: Fundamental Answers

Databases Week began with a set of fundamental questions. What is a database? Every interviewee during Database Week has given a different answer to the question of "What is a

Graph Databases with Ryan Boyd of Neo4j

Graph databases use graph structures for semantic queries. Ryan Boyd is a developer advocate for Neo4j, an open-source graph database. Questions Why does Monsanto use graph databases?

Big Data: Fundamental Answers

Fundamental questions as big as data itself loomed at the beginning of Big Data Week. Some answers: How do customers of multiple managed big data companies deal with the heterogeneity?

Facebook Presto with Christopher Berner

Presto is a low latency SQL language built for interactive analysis.   Christopher Berner works on Presto at Facebook. Questions: Is Presto for data scientists, developers, or