event-driven architecture
Hookdeck and Building an Event Gateway with Alex Bouchard
Event-driven architecture is a software design pattern where system components communicate through events that are generated by producers, and pushed to consumers. This design is often
Serverless Applications with Randall Hunt
Developers can build networked applications today without having to deploy their code to a server. These “serverless” applications are constructed from managed services and
Serverless Event-Driven Architecture with Danilo Poccia
In an event driven application, each component of application logic emits events, which other parts of the application respond to. We have examined this pattern in previous shows that
Event Driven Serverless with Sebastien Goasgoen
Modern architectures often consist of containers that run services. Those containers scale up and down depending on the demand for the services. These large software systems often use a
Serverless on Kubernetes with Soam Vasani
Kubernetes is an orchestration system for managing containers. Since it was open sourced by Google, Kubernetes has created a wave of innovation in the infrastructure technology space.