Serverless on Kubernetes with Soam Vasani

Kubernetes is an orchestration system for managing containers. Since it was open sourced by Google, Kubernetes has created a wave of innovation in the infrastructure technology space.

Another recent innovation has been the “serverless” execution tools–such as AWS Lambda and Google Cloud Functions. Serverless execution, otherwise known as functions-as-a-service, allows a developer to execute code against cloud servers without specifying which cloud servers they are executing on.

Serverless execution is a cheap, flexible resource that any large company wants to have access to. But AWS Lambda and the other popular serverless tools are closed source. This led Soam Vasani to work on Fission, a serverless executor that sits on top of Kubernetes.

If you have not heard about either Kubernetes or Serverless, you can check out our previous episodes about either topic. If you are familiar with the two topics, I think you’ll enjoy this episode, in which Soam explains the motivation for serverless on Kubernetes, and the architecture of Fission.

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