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Software Growth with Greg Kogan

Growing a software business requires an understanding of engineering, sales, and marketing. As we learn software engineering, we also pick up some knowledge about how a business should

Products with Ryan Hoover

RECENT UPDATES: Podsheets is our open source set of tools for managing podcasts and podcast businesses New version of Software Daily, our app and ad-free subscription service Software

Software and Entrepreneurship with Seth Godin Holiday Repeat

Originally published November 18, 2015 “The playing field has never ever been more leveled – that means everything you don’t build is your choice not to build it.” Seth Godin is

Early Investments with Semil Shah

An engineer who wants to start a business using investment capital needs to understand the expectations of investors. The market for the business needs to be huge. The team needs to have

Zencastr with Josh Nielsen

There are certain experiences when a product solves a problem so thoroughly and elegantly that it lifts a weight off of your shoulders that you didn’t even know was there. Dropbox did