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Cloud Native in 2023 with Chris Aniszczyk

Cloud native technologies empower organizations to build and run scalable applications in modern, dynamic environments such as public, private, and hybrid clouds. Containers, service

Service Mesh Wars with William Morgan

A service mesh is an abstraction that provides traffic routing, policy management, and telemetry for a distributed application. A service mesh consists of a data plane and a control

Kubernetes in China with Dan Kohn

Chinese Internet companies operate at a massive scale. WeChat has over a billion users and is widely used as the primary means of payment by urban Chinese consumers. Alibaba ships 12

Cloud Events with Doug Davis

Functions-as-a-service allow developers to run their code in a “serverless” environment. A developer can provide a function to a cloud provider and the code for that function will be

Chinese Open Source Software

The major Chinese cloud providers have all adopted Kubernetes, the open source container orchestration system. The biggest publicly sized Kubernetes cluster in the world runs at,