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Hardening C++ with Bjarne Stroustrup

C++ is a powerful programming language that has been in use for several decades. Its importance lies in its versatility and efficiency, making it a popular choice for developing software

DotNet Core with Lee Coward and Immo Landwerth

C# .NET is the framework that is most often used to write software for the Microsoft Windows operating system. For many years, the C# .NET framework was closed source, but Microsoft’s

Dwarf Fortress with Tarn Adams

“The official motto that we have in our help manual is ‘Losing is fun!’ ” Dwarf Fortress is a construction and management simulation computer game set in a procedurally

Taming Distributed Architecture with Caitie McCaffrey

Distributed systems programming will always be a world of tradeoffs -- there is no silver bullet in the future. But life can be made easier with tactics such as the actor pattern and the

Microsoft Open-Source with Phil Haack

Microsoft is open-sourcing an increasing range of software. Phil Haack is a former PM on Microsoft's ASP.NET MVC Framework, as well as NuGet, an open-source package manager. He currently