

Latest From Pranay

Using Software to Discover Rare Diseases with Matt Might

“In many ways, nature is still the fastest computer we have when it comes to studying disease.” Software engineering is a deterministic field. We write lines of code, and feed data
rare diseases with matt might

The Software Engineering Job Market with Hiten Parmar

“Even Larry at Google has said that if he could hire 100,000 more people, he would – he just can’t find them.” In many ways the engineering job market is broken. Engineers cannot
engineering job market

State of Programming with Jeff Atwood

“The geeks won because somehow we tricked everyone into carrying around a computer with them!” Stack Overflow is used by developers to find out how to build software. Stack Overflow

Data Visualization and Mapping with Aurelia Moser

“I’m always worried that if you teach too much magic, people don’t learn the basics – they don’t know why something is working, they just know the documentation said it should

FiloDB with Evan Chan

“The world is becoming more and more interactive, and people want answers right away, so you’re seeing the rise of stream processing and real-time.” Big data is