CodeNewbie with Saron Yitbarek

“There are advantages in the newness of coding.” CodeNewbie is a community of programmers and people learning to code. There are so many people learning about software today,
Building Software for Millenials with Anthony Sessa

“Millenials deeply care about software, in the sense where if something doesn’t work as it should, it’s forgotten immediately – if you build an app and there are bugs, you’re
Gitter Engineering with Mike Bartlett and Andrew Newdigate

“The most important thing behind it is to think about developers in the way that product people think about consumers, and that the first time experience of your API needs to be
Helping Veterans Learn to Code with David Molina

“We’re already problem solvers, and we’re just trying to be problem solvers on the web.” Military veterans have the right set of skills to become programmers. Technical
Building vs. Buying Software with Ayan Barua

“Even if you’re building, you’re building on top of existing open source architecture. You’re not really starting from scratch – all of us are standing on the shoulders of