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Spark in Practice with Holden Karau

“I found Spark and I was really excited because I’m a functional programming nerd, and it was written in Scala.” Continue reading…

Mesos and Docker in Practice with Michael Hausenblas

Apache Mesos is an open-source cluster manager that enables resource sharing in a fine-grained manner, improving cluster utilization. Michael Hausenblas is a developer and cloud advocate
Mesos and Docker in Practice

Stream Processing with Satish Mittal

“We still need to see in the long run how much of community and industry adoption is there. Because at the end of the day, these are the single two most important things which define
stream processing frameworks

Data Engineering with David Drummond and Austin Ouyang

“We want people to be able to pick up whatever tool it is and really push themselves to get something done with it in a short amount of time, because that’s ultimately what they need

Kudu with Todd Lipcon

“If you have an architecture where you’re trying to periodically trying to dump from one system to the other and synchronize, you can simplify your life quite a bit by just putting