Virtual reality
Ubiquity6: Augmented Reality Platform with Ankit Kumar
Augmented reality glasses will let us walk through a world where the digital blends together with the physical. 3-D objects will be rendered and superimposed onto our field of vision,
Unity and WebAssembly with Brett Bibby
Unity is a game engine for building 2-D and 3-D experiences, augmented reality, movies, and other applications. Unity is cross-platform, so that applications can be written once and
How to get started in VR with A-Frame
Reality-altering platforms create new challenges for user interface designers. Devices such as the Oculus Rift and Google Daydream represent the next major evolution in interface
ReactVR with Andrew Imm
React is a programming model for user interfaces. ReactJS is for building user interfaces for web applications. React Native is for building UI on Android or iOS. ReactVR is for building
Robot Assistant with Abhishek Singh
We view our iPhones as inanimate objects. But when we see robots such as the Boston Dynamics machines that move with a motion that seems like an animal, the robot comes alive. We feel