Software Engineering Daily

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freeCodeCamp’s Quincy Larson interviews Jeff Meyerson

We are republishing a podcast from the freeCodeCamp Podcast as a weekend episode. Jeff Meyerson is the creator and host of the Software Engineering Daily podcast. Jeff grew up in Texas.

Finding the Benefits of Imposter Syndrome

Originally published here by Billy Korando I am a frequent listener to the podcast Software Engineering Daily. On a recent episode Facebook Engineering Culture, Kent Beck shared his

JavaScript Jabber with Jeff Meyerson

Host: Charles Max Wood of JavaScript Jabber Joined by Special Guest: Jeffrey Meyerson Jeffrey Meyerson, founder of FindCollabs and host at Software Engineering Daily joins Charles

Software Engineering Daily App with Keith and Craig Holliday

You have probably missed some of the best episodes of Software Engineering Daily. If you listen to just a few episodes a week, it can be difficult to identify the high quality shows. And

Episode 500 with Pranay Mohan and Erika Hokanson

Software Engineering Daily has been around for almost two years. In this episode Pranay Mohan and Erika Hokanson join me for a reflection on where we have been and where we are going.