Software Architecture

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Slack’s Architecture with Keith Adams

Slack is a chat application that is rapidly growing in popularity. The focus of Slack is to create a polished, responsive tool for productivity that cuts down on the emailing, context

Uber’s Ringpop with Jeff Wolski

Uber has a software architecture with unique requirements. Uber does not have the firehose of user engagement data that Twitter or Facebook has, but each transaction on Uber is both high

Odd Networks with Kris Walker

Odd Networks is building a platform for anyone to launch their own over-the-top streaming video service. With Odd Networks, you can deploy your own video channel using a Roku, Amazon

Scaling Uber with Matt Ranney

“If you can make a system that can survive this random failure testing, then you will more or likely survive whatever other chaotic conditions exist.” Continue reading…

Erlang with Joe Armstrong

“Mutable state is the root of all evil.” Erlang is a functional, concurrent programming language that was originally designed within Ericsson in the 1980's. It was built to