Changelog Podcasting with Adam Stacoviak and Jerod Santo

The Changelog is a podcast about the world of open source. As open source has become closely tied with the entire software development lifecycle, The Changelog has expanded its coverage
Gatsby with Kyle Mathews and Sam Bhagwat

Frontend software development has become as complex as backend development. There was a time when frontend web development was simple. There was a small number of JavaScript frameworks
Facebook Leadership with Arturo Bejar

Facebook leadership has a significant amount of engineers in its ranks, and engineers understand how to create an environment that appeals to other engineers. Engineers do not like
Facebook Reflections with Pete Hunt and Nick Schrock

Facebook engineering is unique. Software is built at Facebook in a way that is distinctly different than any other company. In our series of shows about Facebook engineering, we have
Facebook Open Source Management with Tom Occhino

Facebook has released open source software projects that have changed the industry. The most impactful projects to date are the React frontend user interface tools: ReactJS and React