React Native

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React Native Interfaces with Leland Richardson

Airbnb is a company that is driven by design. New user interfaces are dreamed up by designers and implemented for web, iOS, and Android. This implementation process takes a lot of

React Native Ecosystem with Nader Dabit

React Native allows developers to reuse components from one user interface on multiple platforms. React Native was introduced by Facebook to reduce the pain of teams who were rewriting

Relay Modern with Lee Byron and Joe Savona

Relay is a JavaScript framework for building data-driven React applications. Facebook open sourced Relay around the same time they open sourced GraphQL, and Facebook expected Relay to be

The Future of React Native with Brent Vatne and Adam Perry

React Native has unlocked native mobile development to web engineers who may now apply their skills to build iOS and Android applications in JavaScript. For the first time, cross

React.js Conf with Brent Vatne

“With React, it’s so much easier to create a mental model of what’s going on in your application.” React is a set of technologies started by Facebook and open-sourced in
react conf