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Digital Privacy with Aran Khanna

When Aran Khanna was a college student, he accepted an internship to work at Facebook. Even before his internship started, he started playing around with Facebook’s APIs and

Modern War with Peter Warren Singer

Military force is powered by software. The drones that are used to kill suspected terrorists can identify those terrorists using the same computer vision tools that are used to identify

Web Tracking with Bill Budington

The Internet is decreasing in privacy and increasing in utility. Under some conditions, this tradeoff makes sense. We publicize our profile photo so that people know what we look like.

Electronic Frontier Foundation with Nate Cardozo

When the US government hacks its own citizens, The Electronic Frontier Foundation is often the best source of reporting to find out what laws the government has broken. When a change to

Ethereum with Aaron Davis

Ethereum is a decentralized platform that runs smart contracts: applications that run exactly as programmed without any possibility of downtime, censorship, fraud, or third-party