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Simple Programmer with John Sonmez

Software engineers have a skill set that can be applied to solve problems outside of a codebase. Analytical skills can be used to evaluate investment opportunities. Creative thinking can

Computer Logic with Chris Dixon

The history of computing can be thought of as a series of ideas rather than objects. From Aristotle’s formalization of the syllogism, to Alan Turing’s model for an all-purpose

Episode 500 with Pranay Mohan and Erika Hokanson

Software Engineering Daily has been around for almost two years. In this episode Pranay Mohan and Erika Hokanson join me for a reflection on where we have been and where we are going.

Skepticism Roundtable with Ammon Bartram and Kyle Polich

Engineers have plenty to be skeptical about. We look to data sets to give us something resembling objective truth. Some areas of research have so many variables that it is hard to

Poker Artificial Intelligence with Noam Brown

Humans have now been defeated by computers at heads up no-limit holdem poker. Some people thought this wouldn’t be possible. Sure, we can teach a computer to beat a human at Go or