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Hacker Noon with David Smooke

The New York Times makes most of its money off of subscriptions. Facebook makes its money off of native advertising. Hacker News is funded by Y-Combinator. Each of these business models

Building Software for Millenials with Anthony Sessa

“Millenials deeply care about software, in the sense where if something doesn’t work as it should, it’s forgotten immediately – if you build an app and there are bugs, you’re

Software Journalism at GeekWire with Todd Bishop

“Our justice system in general – even if you look at things like our regulatory system, our patent system – I think it has a very hard time keeping up with the current pace of
software journalism

Modern Browser Wars

There’s an old saying “you can’t tell the players without a program”. Stan Hanks originally wrote this answer on Quora. Let’s look at the players here: