The End of GraphQL with Matt Bessey

GraphQL is an open-source query language for APIs and a runtime for executing those queries. It was developed by Facebook to address the problem of over-fetching or under-fetching data,
Bypassing Serverless Challenges with Webiny Serverless Application Framework

Serverless computing has been a major milestone ever since the 20th century when “cloud computing” became a term in a Compaq internal document. The idea that infrastructure could be
Dgraph: Native GraphQL Database with Manish Jain

GraphQL has changed the common design patterns for the interface between backend and frontend. This is usually achieved by the presence of a GraphQL server, which interprets and
Facebook GraphQL with Lee Byron (Repeat)

Originally published July 19, 2019 In 2011, Facebook had begun to focus its efforts on mobile development. Mobile phones did not have access to reliable, high bandwidth connections, and
Modern Front End: React, GraphQL, VR, WebAssembly with Adam Conrad (Repeat)

Originally published December 20, 2018 Ten years ago, there was a distinction between “backend” and “frontend” developers. A backend developer would be managing the business