edge computing
VMware Tanzu GemFire and Next-Generation Real-Time Application Development

In the modern enterprise, high-performance applications require a solid foundation that can handle complex, high-volume, real-time data. VMware Tanzu GemFire is an in-memory data grid
Netlify and Edge Computing with Erica Pisani

Netlify is a popular hosting platform that provides build, deploy, and serverless backend services for web apps. The platform enables deployment directly from source files stored in a
Couchbase Architecture with Ravi Mayuram

Couchbase is a distributed NoSQL cloud database. Since its creation, Couchbase has expanded into edge computing, application services, and most recently a database-as-a-service called
Serverless Revolution with Tyler McMullen

Serverless has grown in popularity over the last five years, and the space of applications that can be built entirely with serverless has increased dramatically. This is due to two
Advanced Redis with Alvin Richards

Redis is an in-memory object storage system that is commonly used as a cache for web applications. This core primitive of in-memory object storage has created a larger ecosystem