Distributed Systems

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Urbit with Curtis Yarvin and Galen Wolfe-Pauly

Urbit is a completely new way of looking at computing. Every user gets a personal server, which runs your apps, wrangles your connected devices, and defines your secure identity. Your

Apache Geode with Swapnil Bawaskar

There is a hierarchy of ways to access and store data in a computer system. The cheapest, slowest way to store and retrieve data is disk. On the faster end, we have memory. As we

Netflix Scheduling with Sharma Podila

  At Netflix, developers write applications with a variety of requirements–from simple requests for a list of movies to more resource-intensive requests like a complex machine

Slack’s Architecture with Keith Adams

Slack is a chat application that is rapidly growing in popularity. The focus of Slack is to create a polished, responsive tool for productivity that cuts down on the emailing, context

Uber’s Postgres Problems with Evan Klitzke

When a company switches the relational database it uses, you wouldn’t expect the news of the switch to go viral. Most engineers are not interested in the subtle differences between