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Bug Reporting is Broken and how Jam is Fixing that with Dani Grant & Mohd Irtefa

Bug reporting hasn’t changed since the 1990’s. Despite all the technological advancements we’ve made in the rest of software development, the way we handle bugs has

Improving Debugging Workflow in Cloud Native Environments

The arduous process of debugging (Source: xkcd: Debugging)  Debugging is an essential part of software development. Bugs and errors cannot be escaped, and debugging these takes a

Semgrep: Modern Static Analysis with Isaac Evans

Static analysis is a type of debugging that identifies defects without running the code. Static analysis tools can be especially useful for enforcing security policies by analyzing code

Spend Less Time Debugging and More Time Building with Scout APM

In any online business, it’s of paramount importance to catch any visitor’s attention within a few seconds. If they cannot find the information they are looking for in a set

Crash Reporting: Improving the Customer and Dev Experience

When things go badly, everyone needs a plan.  When things break in a production system, a solid strategy is necessary for recovery and minimizing impact. When an alert goes off in a