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Collaborative SQL with Rahil Sondhi

Data analysts need to collaborate with each other in the same way that software engineers do. They also need a high quality development environment.  These data analysts are not working

MongoDB Data Platform with Andrew Davidson

A new software application has simple requirements for a database.  The database needs to be written to and read from. The database fulfills simple needs such as storing user

FoundationDB with Ryan Worl

FoundationDB is a multi-model distributed key-value store. It is fully ACID compliant and horizontally scalable. FoundationDB is not usually used directly by an application

Citus Data: Founding to Acquisition with Umur Cubukcu

A new database company needs to solve numerous problems in order to succeed. There are already lots of existing database companies, so a new company needs to find a way to strongly

FaunaDB with Evan Weaver

Upcoming events: A Conversation with Haseeb Qureshi at Cloudflare on April 3, 2019 FindCollabs Hackathon at App Academy on April 6, 2019 Twitter’s early engineers faced scalability