Alex DeBrie
Alex is an AWS Data Hero, an independent consultant, and the author of The DynamoDB Book, the comprehensive guide to data modeling with DynamoDB. He was an early employee at Serverless, Inc., creators of the Serverless Framework, and was an early community member in the serverless space. His consulting and training work focuses on serverless architectures and database optimization. You can find him on Twitter as @alexbdebrie or on his site,
Superfast JVM Startup with Gerrit Grunwald
CRaC (Coordinated Restore at Checkpoint) is a new technology that can improve startup and warmup times by orders of magnitude. It is a project of
Cloud Cost Management with Roi Ravhon
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Data Activation with Tejas Manohar
Data Activation is the method of unlocking the knowledge sorted within your data warehouse, and making it actionable by your business users in the end
Turso: Globally Replicated SQLite with Glauber Costa
Distributed databases are necessary for storing and managing data across multiple nodes in a network. They provide scalability, fault tolerance, improved performance, and cost savings.
Improved Java Performance Sans Code Changes with Simon Ritter
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Permit Elements and Fullstack Authorization with Or Weis
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Caching at Twitter with Yao Yue
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Cloud Native Compiler with John Ceccarelli
Java is a write once run anywhere programming language. The way you do that is you use the javac compiler and compile the source files
Special Episode with George Hotz
Comma is a startup aimed at solving self-driving cars. A lot of the new cars in the market have built-in stock Advanced driver assistance systems.
Twisp: Reinventing Accounting Systems with Michael Parsons
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Cloud Asset Management with Serhat Can
Companies are rapidly moving to the cloud, and modern businesses are operating faster with a myriad of SaaS tools in their day-to-day operations. Provisioning resources
Azul with John Ceccarelli
The Java Virtual Machine is an abstract machine that makes it possible for you to write Java code once and run it across multiple devices
Open-source Serverless Postgres with Nikita Shamgunov
PostgreSQL is a free and open-source relational database management system. Postgres-based databases are widespread and are used by a variety of organizations, from Reddit to
Automatic Database Tuning with Andy Pavlo
The default configuration in most databases is meant for broad compatibility rather than performance. Database tuning is a process in which the configurations of a
Serverless Clickhouse for Developers with Jorge Sancha
Data analytics technology and tools have seen significant improvements in the past decade. But, it can still take weeks to prototype, build and deploy new
Couchbase with Ravi Mayuram
Couchbase is a distributed NoSQL cloud database. Since its creation, Couchbase has expanded into edge computing, application services, and most recently, a database-as-a-service called Capella.
Remix with Ryan Florence
Remix is a full stack web framework that lets you focus on the user interface and work back through web fundamentals to deliver a fast,
Open-Source Cloud Asset Management with Yevgeny Pats
This episode is hosted by Alex DeBrie. Alex is the author of The DynamoDB Book, the comprehensive guide to data modeling with DynamoDB, as well as The