Bug Reporting is Broken and how Jam is Fixing that with Dani Grant & Mohd Irtefa
Bug reporting hasn’t changed since the 1990’s. Despite all the technological advancements we’ve made in the rest of software development, the way we handle bugs has
Meme.com with Johan Unger
Whether you love them or hate them, share them or ignore them, you encounter memes all over the internet. Those that are popular can often take off and spawn a long history of remixes,
Roblox Engineering with Claus Moberg
Roblox is a gaming platform with a large ecosystem of players, creators, game designers, and entrepreneurs. The world of Roblox is a three-dimensional environment where characters and
Indie Hackers with Courtland Allen Holiday Repeat
Originally published November 4, 2016 Indie Hackers is a website that profiles independent developers who have made profitable software projects, usually without raising any money. These
Indie Hack or Venture Back with Lynne Tye
Key Values is a platform where companies are profiled with descriptions of their company values. These profiles describe features such as work-life balance, company culture, daily