Ashvin Nihalani

Ashvin Nihalani

San Francisco, CA
Education: B. Eng, EECS, University of California

Originally from Texas. Graduated from Berkeley with an B.Eng in EECS. Interested in basically anything, well anything interesting. More recently focused on Machine Learning, Blockchain, and Embedded Systems.

Latest From Ashvin Nihalani

Episode Summary: Showtime: Crypto Art and NFTs

NFTs are the current blockchain craze. Graphics designer “Beeple”, or Mike Winkelmen, sold his artwork as a NFT for $69 million in March. At the same time. Jack Dorsey, CEO of

Three Reasons Why You Should Have GitHub Backups

Github is the largest source code host on the internet, reporting over 40 million users and more than 190 million repositories according to Wikipedia.  The home to hobbyist projects,

Episode Summary: 1inch: The Super Liquider DEX Aggregator

As Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies gained value in 2010, exchanges popped up so that people could extract value from these blockchain based currencies. However, the failure of Mt. Gox

Shoreline: Pod Debugging and Management Automation

Kubernetes has dominated the cloud application development landscape. First developed in 2015, Kubernetes won the container orchestration wars against rivals such as Mesosphere and

Episode Summary: Synthetix: The Derivative Liquidity Protocol

Infamous for their role in the 2008 financial crisis, synthetic assets are a wrongfully maligned financial instrument that actually provide real world value. Simply put a synthetic asset