Cloud Dependencies with Mya Pitzeruse

New software abstractions always take advantage of the abstractions that have been built before.

Software libraries allow us to import code that sits on the same host as a new program. Open source software let us copy and paste existing code, or clone entire repositories. Cloud providers offer hosted tools and APIs that we can leverage to develop scalable, easy-to-use infrastructure.

When existing pieces of software are built into new software, the existing software becomes a dependency. Managing those dependencies is an engineering problem. Mya Pitzeruse is the founder of, a project with the goal of improving dependency changes across a company’s ecosystem. In today’s show, we talk about the modern dependency issues of a large company, and her perspective on how to address them. Mya has developed the project in public on FindCollabs, and we also spend some time talking about building in the open.


  • We are hiring a content writer and also an operations lead. Both of these are part-time positions working closely with Jeff and Erika. If you are interested in working with us, send an email to
  • We will be at KubeCon San Diego 2019, and AWS re:Invent Las Vegas. We are planning a meetup at re:Invent on Wednesday December 4.


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