Emerging Markets: Kenya with Nelly Cheboi

Africa is rapidly adopting the same software and hardware technologies that have transformed the western world over the last few decades. But access to computers and technology education is still uneven. Where there is access to computers, smartphone adoption often comes before access to laptops or desktop computers.

Nelly Cheboi is the founder of TechLit Africa, an organization that works to connect schools and families in Africa with computers and software. Nelly studied computer science, and worked as a software engineer before leaving her career to focus full-time on building a scalable model to take refurbished computers and give them to Africans who can make good use of them.

TechLit Africa is also building a software stack to equip schools in Africa without an Internet connection with an internal subnet including Wikipedia and other educational resources, so that people in the school can get an Internet-like experience despite a lack of access to the full Internet.



The FindCollabs Open has started. It is our second FindCollabs hackathon, and we are giving away $2500 in prizes. The prizes will be awarded in categories such as machine learning, business plan, music, visual art, and JavaScript. If one of those areas sounds interesting to you, check out findcollabs.com/open!

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