Flutter in Practice with Randal Schwartz

Flutter allows developers to build cross-platform mobile apps. In our previous show about Flutter, Eric Seidel from Google described the goals of Flutter, why he founded the project, and how Flutter is built. In today’s show, Randal Schwartz talks about Flutter in more detail–including the developer experience of building Flutter apps and why he finds Flutter so exciting.

Randal is a longtime software developer who has focused mostly on web applications. He’s also the host of the popular podcast FLOSS Weekly, a show about open source software. Like many developers, Randal has stayed away from mobile development in the past. If you write a mobile application, you have historically had to build iOS and Android apps separately. That is a large up-front cost, and Flutter reduces the cost by allowing users to develop mobile apps for iOS and Android with a single codebase.

Randal has been podcasting about open source software for 12 years, so he brings historical depth to this conversation. He has also been working with Dart for several years–Dart is a language developed by Google that is used in Flutter.


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