Kubernetes State Management with Niraj Tolia

A common problem in a distributed system: how do you take a snapshot of the global state of that system? Snapshot is difficult because you need to tell every node in the system to simultaneously record its state.

There are several reasons to take a snapshot. You might want to take a picture of the global state for the purposes of debugging. Or you might want to take a comprehensive snapshot of your system (including the database) and port your system from one cloud to another. Or you might just need to take a snapshot for disaster recovery.

When a Kubernetes application is deployed, its initial configuration is described in config files. After a deployment, the state of the application might change–some nodes die, some services get scaled up. At any given time, the current state of a Kubernetes cluster is described by etcd, a distributed key-value store.

Niraj Tolia is CEO of Kasten, a company that provides data management, backups, and disaster recovery for Kubernetes applications. Niraj joins the show to describe how Kubernetes deployments manage state, and what the modern business environment is around Kubernetes.


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