Kafka in the Cloud with Neha Narkhede

Apache Kafka is an open-source distributed streaming platform. Kafka was originally developed at LinkedIn, and the creators of the project eventually left LinkedIn and started Confluent, a company that is building a streaming platform based on Kafka.

Kafka is very popular, but is not easy to deploy and operationalize. That is why Confluent has built a Kafka-as-a-service product, so that managing Kafka is not the job of an on-call DevOps engineer.

Neha Narkhede is the CTO of Confluent and she has been on the show twice before to discuss Kafka. In our last episode, we discussed event sourcing and CQRS with Kafka. In this episode, we explore more common enterprise uses for Kafka, and Neha talks about the engineering complexities of building a managed Kafka-as-a-service product.


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