Quantum Computing Introduction with Zlatko Minev

Computer chips have physical limitations. When transistors get too small, electrons start to behave in ways that make the hardware modules less reliable. Our reliable technological progress has been enabled by Moore’s Law: the idea that the number of components we can fit on a chip doubles roughly every 12-18 months.

We can’t keep shrinking the size of these components, because physics is no longer complying.

Quantum computing allows us to operate on qubits rather than bits, giving us better parallelism and continued reliable technological progress. Quantum computing is still mostly an area of research rather than production systems–but it is rapidly approaching usability, and Zlatko Minev joins the show to explain how quantum computing works, and why software engineers should care.

Zlatko is a PhD candidate at the Yale Quantum Information Lab. Today he describes how qubits work, which algorithms quantum computing impacts, and which parts of modern computer architecture will work on a quantum computer. We may have to throw out the Von Neumann architecture when it comes to quantum!


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