The Future of React Native with Brent Vatne and Adam Perry

React Native has unlocked native mobile development to web engineers who may now apply their skills to build iOS and Android applications in JavaScript. For the first time, cross platform JavaScript-based applications feel as if they were written in the native language of choice for the platforms.

Businesses who choose to adopt React Native for their native app development also see great benefits such as the ability to push new JavaScript code without going through the app store review process, and the ability to share code and business behaviors across the iOS and Android platforms.

Expo is building a cross-platform native runtime for React Native. Expo brings the benefits of deployment and iterative development to native without sacrificing any user experience costs. Expo plans to do this with their native SDK, custom development environment, and tools built in collaboration with Facebook like create-react-native-app.

React Native has the incredible potential to revolutionize all user interface development with its core set of cross-platform UI primitives, and React’s popular declarative rendering pattern. So in this episode Brent Vatne and Adam Perry join Caleb Meredith to first discuss Expo and the future of React Native to try and answer the question: can React Native become the one UI framework to rule them all?


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