SQLite with D. Richard Hipp


“Everybody that sees SQL thinks its ugly and dirty and they want to try and rewrite it to be better. There’s a bazillion attempts to do this – I’ve tried it several times myself. But somehow, everybody always comes back to SQL.”

SQLite is an SQL database engine that can be used in applications as a library for quick read-write operations. Unlike other database management systems, SQLite is not a client-server database designed to run in a data center.

D. Richard Hipp is the architect and primary author of SQLite and the Fossil SCM.


  • What is SQLite?
  • What inspired you to create SQLite?
  • What are the typical configuration issues associated with databases?
  • How does an application access an SQLite database?
  • When you created SQLite did you have any experience writing databases?
  • What is SQLite missing from the SQL Standard?
  • What is the bottleneck that applications trying to scale will hit when they’re using SQLite?



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