Netflix Genie with Tom Gianos


“Sometimes there’s a misconception that Genie is a job scheduling platform… Genie really represents our extraction layer, from what our computational resources are, to our end user jobs.”

Genie is an open-source tool that provides job and resource management for the Hadoop ecosystem in the cloud.

Tom Gianos is a Senior Software Engineer at Netflix focusing on its big data platform. He is one of the core contributors in charge of maintaining and improving Genie.


  • How fast is the pace of Netflix data collection increasing?
  • What are the differences between running Hadoop in the cloud and running it in a data center?
  • Why is job and resource management so important for a Hadoop ecosystem?
  • What does Netflix do with spare computational resources?
  • What is a bonus cluster?
  • Does Netflix collect more data than it can practically make use of?


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