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Pinata and the Interplanetary File System with Matt Ober

The interplanetary filesystem, or IPFS, is a peer-to-peer network that uses a distributed and decentralized model. Functionally, IPFS allows users to store and share files without having

Animal Well with Billy Basso

Animal Well is a Metroidvania game developed as a solo project by Billy Basso over the course of seven years. It’s the first game released by publisher Bigmode, which was founded by

LLMs for Data Queries with Sarah Nagy

One of the most promising applications of large language models is giving non-experts the ability to easily query their own data. A potential positive side effect is reducing ad-hoc data

Implementing KYC and User Verification with Alex Grinman

Almost every application or system involves some sort of user onboarding. Increasingly, companies must implement know-your-customer and know-your-business compliance, or KYC and KYB, as

Nuxt JS with Anthony Fu

Vue is a popular JavaScript frontend framework, and Nuxt is an open source meta-framework on top of Vue. Anthony Fu is a Framework Developer on the Nuxt team. He joins the show to talk