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Materialize: Streaming SQL on Timely Data with Arjun Narayan and Frank McSherry

Distributed stream processing frameworks are used to rapidly ingest and aggregate large volumes of incoming data. These frameworks often require the application developer to write

Virtual Data with Sunil Kamath

Relational data systems have evolved from single node instances to complex distributed systems. Almost any database can be accessed through a SQL statement, but the guarantees of these

Notebooks at Netflix with Matthew Seal

Netflix has petabytes of data and thousands of workloads running across that data every day. These workloads generate movie recommendations for users, create dashboards for data analysts

Database Performance and Optimization with Andrew Davidson

When a database gets large, it can start to perform poorly. This can manifest in slow query speed. You can speed up a query by defining an index, which is a data structure that allows

Postgres Sharding and Scalability with Marco Slot

Relational databases have been popular since the 1970s, but in the last 20 years, the amount of data that applications need to collect and the store has skyrocketed. The raw cost to